Cyber Security and Intrusion Prevention

This knowledge base category reflects cyber security and intrusion prevention services offered by the Division of Information Technology. These services provide options and resources to protect Barry University networks, hardware, and software from malicious or unwanted disruption, modification, and disclosure.

Articles (5)

Accessing USB drives on Barry University and non-Barry Clinic computers

Approved for publishing, reviewed by Darrell, Freddy, Jose and John.

Cybersecurity Training for Friends and Family

The Friends and Family Use Rights Service is provided to you by Barry University if you have completed your annual mandatory Cybersecurity Training, and allows you to add up to 7 family members to view NINJIO Aware Episodes at no cost to you.

Home Computer Protection Kit

DoIT’s Information Security Office presents the Home Computer Protection Kit. The kit provides free resources on the topics below to help you at home and on your personal devices. This includes anti-malware, anti-virus, 3rd party patching, safe web browsing, and operating system cleaning tools and links.