Service Catalog

Categories (9)

IT Support Desk-Help

The IT Support Desk provides all members of the Barry University community with a central point of contact to report IT service related issues, requests, and satisfaction concerns. This service provides information, education, and problem resolution via:
• Self-Service Knowledge Articles
• Password Reset Portal
• Email and Phone Support
• Walk-in Support on the Miami Shores and Orlando Campuses

Library & Research Information Services

This service maintains an extensive collection of research and information resources including article and indexing databases, e-journal subscriptions, and hard copy collections to support teaching and learning throughout the Barry University community. (Library Management System) (circulation) Serials and Subscription maintenance annual library instruction

Advancement Services

Services to support University Advancement activities, to insure the university's ability to effectively communicate with alumni and other constituents, and to assist campus-wide departments and organizations with information needs.


Services include: web updates, myBarry, batch emails, and other digital strategy requests.

Analytics & Reporting Services

IT delivers high-quality information and reports from the university's enterprise administrative systems to faculty and staff to facilitate institutional decision-making. This service includes the creation of canned reports and interactive reports.