This service is for the purchase/lease of Barry University owned end-point devices for employees, such as a computer, laptop, or tablet. The Division of Information Technology can assist departments and individuals in acquiring new or refurbished hardware, such as desktops, laptops, and tablets based on either a purchase or within the University’s computing leasing program.
What is included
- Troubleshooting and/or review of existing hardware and software
- Best pricing and compatibility with current computing infrastructure
- Consulting on options available based on request and needs
- Purchasing assistance and/or replacement of computer/device
- Setup of new hardware
Exclusions and/or Nonstandard features
Specific and nonstandard requests of computing devices are subject to the University's computing leasing program and infrastructure.
Who receives this service
Faculty, Staff and Non-Employees
Service Level Agreement
- Schedule discussion within 2 weeks
- Non-standard endpoint devices require approval
- Large orders require lease order processing
What happens next
You will receive an email confirmation to schedule discussion.