Request a guest account(s)

Barry University faculty and staff can request a guest account for individuals associated with Barry University who would like access to its network using Barry owned devices.  By requesting a guest account, you accept responsibility for the individual’s actions on the network, and will be held liable for any inappropriate activity or actions they perform.

If the guest only needs to access the internet on his or her own device, the guest can use our BarryUGuest network.


What is included

  • 7 Day Access
  • Access to Barry University resources
    • Logins to Barry computers
    • Logins to on-line resources
    • Logins to other resources as needed such as SharePoint, Learning Management System, network printers and shared drives


Exclusions or Nonstandard Features


  • A guest account does not receive a Barry University email address
  • Guest access can be extended with approval


Who receives this service

  • Visiting faculty
  • Vendors/Consultants providing a service to the university
  • Parents of students
  • Individuals attending a conference on campus
  • Auditors
  • Alumni


Service Level Agreement

  • Respond next business day and resolve in 3 business days       


What happens next

  • The username and password will be provided to the requestor
Request Guest Account(s)


Service ID: 5347
Mon 8/25/14 12:23 AM
Wed 8/10/16 10:37 AM