Advisor Assignment - STAD or FADV

STAD Student Advisor Listing allows you to maintain advisors assigned to a student. This form displays all the advisors a student has had to date and allows you to add a new one.

If you add a new advisor for the student, Colleague automatically displays the Faculty Advisee Detail (FADT) form.

  1. Access STAD
  2. Enter student ID or perform a name lookup
  3. All advisors for the student display. Records with no end date are active advisors. If you want inactive an advisor, detail on the line and enter an end date
  4. To add a new advisor, enter the advisor ID or perform a name lookup on an empty line
  5. Complete information on FADT screen


FADV Faculty Advisees allows you to maintain the advisees that are assigned to a faculty member. This form displays all the advisees assigned to the advisors and allows you to add a new one.

If you add a new advisor for the student, Colleague automatically displays the Faculty Advisee Detail (FADT) form.

  1. Access FADV
  2. Enter advisor ID or perform a name lookup
  3. All advisees assigned to this advisor display. Records with no end date are active advisees. If you want inactive an advisee, detail on the line and enter an end date
  4. To add a new advisee, detail on an empty line and enter student ID or perform a lookup
  5. Complete information on FADT screen


FADT Faculty Advisee Detail allows you to maintain detailed information about the students a faculty member is advising.

  1. Detail to FADT from STAD or FADV
  2. Enter start date
  3. Enter type, if applicable


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