STAD Student Advisor Listing allows you to maintain advisors assigned to a student. This form displays all the advisors a student has had to date and allows you to add a new one.
If you add a new advisor for the student, Colleague automatically displays the Faculty Advisee Detail (FADT) form.
- Access STAD
- Enter student ID or perform a name lookup
- All advisors for the student display. Records with no end date are active advisors. If you want inactive an advisor, detail on the line and enter an end date
- To add a new advisor, enter the advisor ID or perform a name lookup on an empty line
- Complete information on FADT screen
FADV Faculty Advisees allows you to maintain the advisees that are assigned to a faculty member. This form displays all the advisees assigned to the advisors and allows you to add a new one.
If you add a new advisor for the student, Colleague automatically displays the Faculty Advisee Detail (FADT) form.
- Access FADV
- Enter advisor ID or perform a name lookup
- All advisees assigned to this advisor display. Records with no end date are active advisees. If you want inactive an advisee, detail on the line and enter an end date
- To add a new advisee, detail on an empty line and enter student ID or perform a lookup
- Complete information on FADT screen
FADT Faculty Advisee Detail allows you to maintain detailed information about the students a faculty member is advising.
- Detail to FADT from STAD or FADV
- Enter start date
- Enter type, if applicable