I need to request dissertation and/or thesis binding

This service provides personal and library print copies and digitization of student dissertations/thesis.


What is included

  • Two original print copies of a student’s thesis dissertation and 1 CD labeled with your name and graduation year are required: 1 original print copy for the library. All theses/dissertations must have original signature pages.
  • Two copies must be made on special paper. The required paper must be: white paper with 100% cotton content and a weight of no less than 20 pounds. For additional information about paper requirements, please contact Asia Macon at 305-899-4814.
  • Additional copies of dissertations and theses can be made on regular paper.
  • All copies must be doubled spaced. The left or binding edge of the page should have a 1.5 inch margin. The top, bottom and right edges should have a 1.0 inch margin. Do not print double-sided, only single sided printing is accepted. 


  • Optional for students from all fields excluding ADSOE:
    It is customary for students to have theses/dissertations deposited with ProQuest/UMI for copyright and publishing. This is up to the students and is his/her choice. If students wish, they can publish their theses/dissertations on ProQuest/UMI.

For additional assistance, please contact Asia Macon, 305-899-4814, amacon@barry.edu or in person at Technical Services Room 421-422, located on the Library’s 4th floor. 


Who receives this service

  • Students


Exclusions and/or Nonstandard features

Adrian Dominican School of Education Dissertation requirements

Students from the Adrian Dominican School of Education are required to follow the thesis and dissertation requirements outlined above with the following exceptions:

  • One original print copy of a student’s thesis or dissertation and 2 CDs labeled with the student’s name and graduation year are required. All theses and dissertations must have original signature pages.


Service Level Agreement

  • Respond in 1 business day.
  • Theses/dissertations are sent to the bindery on a 6 week rotation schedule.


What happens next

Theses/dissertations are sent to the bindery on a 6 week rotation schedule. Upon arrival, students will be contacted with instructions to locate and retrieve their personal copies.



Students may have as many copies as they wish bound. Cost per thesis/dissertation is $20. Students are required to pay when they deliver the copies to the Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library. Payments can be made via cash, check or money order made out to Barry University Library.