I need to setup course reserves

This service provides the holding or reservation of information and academic materials in a non-circulating manner for academic courses.


What is included

  • In general, only 1 copy of one copyrighted title will be accepted per class.
  • Unpublished material from students, friends, or colleagues must include a signed statement from the creator of the material that identifies permission has been granted for the material to be placed on reserve. Unpublished material is still protected by copyright and copyright clearance is required to put these materials on reserve.
  • The reserve staff cannot make photocopies for faculty.
  • Faculty must indicate on the Reserve Request Form when they want items to be removed from reserves.
  • At the end of each term, all items will be removed from reserves.
  • Faculty are encouraged to collect their reserve items or make arrangements to have them collected. Reserve Staff will attempt to deliver items, but it may take a while for them to do so as the priority is processing new items for the following semester.
  • Items not collected will not remain on reserve. 
  • Faculty must re-submit reserve items and forms each semester even if they want to keep items in reserve successive semesters.
  • The Reserve Room in the Library is located on the second floor in LIB 217
  • Class reserves are to be used when an instructor wants to limit use of an item to students enrolled in a particular class.
  • Instructors may place items in reserve at the Barry University Library located on the main campus in Miami Shores.
  • In order to checkout reserve items, students will need a current Barry University ID card.
  • Reserve items can only be used in the library.


Who receives this service

  • Faculty, students


Service Level Agreement

  • Respond in 1 business day, up to 7 days to process reserve materials and make them available for student use.
  • The beginning of each semester is always busy and items may take longer to process.  It is strongly suggested that if you want materials to be available for students in the first week of the semester, submit them at least 3 weeks prior to the beginning of the semester.  Faculty must follow the Reserve Submission Guidelines to ensure that reserve requests are processed within the turnaround time.


What happens next

For assistance, please call 305-899-3760 or email us at: bbrown@mail.barry.edu. Link To Course Reserve Request Form