Update your password when working remote using a Barry computer


To have one password for logging into your Barry computer and online resources follow the steps below.

Step 1 reset your password

Go to https://www.barry.edu/password and select the appropriate option.


Step 2 log into VPN

Connect to our Virtual Private Network (VPN) using the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client with the new password.  If your computer does you have VPN installed view the help article Connecting to VPN. 


Step 3 log into the computer with your new password

Once you have connected to the network with the VPN connection, you will need to log into the computer with your new password.

Option 1

On the keyboard press CTRL+ALT+DEL and select Switch User, then login with your username and new password.  

Option 2

On the keyboard press CTRL+ALT+DEL on the keyboard and lock the laptop (do not log off or shut down).  Wait 2 minutes and log in with the new password.  If after logged in, you get a notification stating that the systems need to update the password, lock the laptop again and log back in with the new password.



Article ID: 136972
Wed 8/18/21 11:20 AM
Fri 9/6/24 9:11 AM