Accessing USB drives on Barry University Clinic computers
When a USB storage drive is inserted into any computer at a Barry University clinic, an alert is shown letting the user know that due to security policies, any data moved from the computer to USB must be encrypted, with a prompt to encrypt or not (see image below).
If the user selects No, the USB drive is still mountable, and the file listing/directory can be accessed, however data files cannot be created nor read from the drive. When trying to read a file an alert is shown stating they cannot access the file (see example alerts below).
If the user selects Yes to the encryption window prompt, then they are prompted to create a password before beginning the encryption process (see image below). Selecting Cancel will cancel the encryption process and still deny access to existing files on the USB.
Password requirements are as follows:
- At least 8 characters in length.
- Must contain at least one upper and one lower case character.
- Must contain at least one number.
- Must contain at least one special character.
Once the user enters a valid password, the encryption process starts. All existing data on the USB will be encrypted as well.
An alert window is displayed stating that encryption has begun and may take some time (see image below). The user can close this window at any time and the encryption process will continue.
Once encryption has completed, the USB will now be accessible on any Barry University clinic computer and all data stored on the USB will be encrypted.
Accessing encrypted USBs on non-Barry University Clinic computers:
When the USB is encrypted (as indicated above), an application is written to the USB to allow authentication to access the files on a non-encrypted computer. The application is named AccessEncryptedFiles (one application for Windows and one for Mac OS).
When the USB is inserted to a non-Barry University Clinic computer, the user must run the AccessEncryptedFiles application. This application allows you to access the encrypted files via the External Media Shield (EMS) program. You are prompted to either Install EMS Service or Run EMS Explorer (see image below). Run EMS Explorer is recommended, as it does not install anything permanently on the non-Barry Clinic computer.
When the user runs EMS, they are prompted to enter the password to access the encrypted data on the USB (see below).
Once the user enters the correct password, the EMS explorer application window is shown, listing the files/folders on the encrypted USB. You can open
If the user clicks Cancel, the explorer window closes, and the user is denied access to any files on the USB.
*** If you forget your password for an encrypted USB drive, please contact the IT Support Desk for further assistance.