Error - "Webex authorization has expired"


In the event that you receive the error, "Webex authorization has expired. Please reauthorize Webex." while trying to schedule a meeting in Webex via Canvas, please see steps below to correct.

To fix that authorization expired error, here are the steps:

  1. Click the Logout button (noted with the red arrow above)
  2. The screen will change, then click on Sign in to Webex Meetings
    1. Follow any prompts you may get, basically clicking Accept or Allow
  3. The system will put you back in Canvas and will look like nothing changed, but you have to navigate away from this page and come back. For example, click on Home or Syllabus from the course menu then go back to Cisco Webex.
  4. Try again to create the meeting.




Article ID: 126599
Wed 1/27/21 1:07 PM
Thu 4/8/21 3:34 PM