Password Manager for University Use

Important:  Don't use Delinea for your personal passwords. Our suggestions for personal use are listed in the article Recommended Password Managers for Personal Use.

Keep your passwords safe with Barry's official tool!

Ever forget your passwords? Good news! Barry University offers a tool called Delinea - Secret Server. It's for all faculty, staff, and student workers to help manage passwords for Barry stuff. It keeps all your passwords, pins, and other login info safe in one place.

Access Delinea password manager using 

Quick How-to Videos:


  1. Make a long main password, like "I love my Dog Spot!"
  2. Have different passwords for different accounts.
  3. Use extra security features like multifactor authentication.

Heads Up:

Built-in browser password managers like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox aren’t the best. They lack a lot of essential functionality and you risk losing your passwords if your machine crashes!

And don't forget, using a password tool doesn't mean you can stop practicing good cybersecurity habits on your computers and devices.  Keep your software up-to-date and use secure Wi-Fi.

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